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      Sustainability is one of the three vertices that form the investment principles of Trígono Capital. We consider sustainability to be one of the key factors for the continuity of companies and to mitigate various risks. For over fifteen years, our founders have been working with this concept in practice, anticipating what is increasingly required by sophisticated and demanding investors. This experience comes from managing the world’s largest sovereign fund and North American endowments, which are true ESG practitioners and opinion makers, fostering the top governance practices in the world market.

      Our methodology assesses the environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices of investees, and we employ strict exclusion criteria. Our complete independence from financial institutions (which is a lack of any relationship with investment banks and stockbrokers and no commercial relationships with the investees) ensures that we can exclude any listed company from our portfolios because we are not subject to any type of commercial conflicts. The most important thing for us is our investors, who have delegated the management of part of their precious financial resources to us.

      Constructive Engagement

      Trígono sets itself apart in the market due to its prominent position in the key companies invested in and due to the strategy of concentrating its portfolios in only a few companies, given the conviction of the investment team. As such, we are the most significant minority investors in a number of companies, or among the Top 3. This position allows us to appoint and elect board members and directors for the audit committee member, observing the strict independence of the members, the skills needed for the positions, and remembering that the members work for the companies and not for investors who appoint and elect them. This is an essential precept of governance and ensuring equity in governance, and not trying to comply with the specific demands of certain investors that may not necessarily be the best for everyone, regardless of whether they are controlling or minority. We believe that Trígono takes quite an active role at shareholder meetings and, due to its size, is one of the most relevant management companies in terms of the number of investees and board members appointed by it. We’d like to point out that managers or any professionals working at Trígono do not participate as board of directors and audit committee members, avoiding conflicts and access to information of a non-public and privileged nature.

      However, we maintain a channel of dialogue with the board, providing suggestions on behalf of all shareholders. In addition to maintaining contact with the board, we seek to open channels of dialog with executives, controllers and other minority investors, in an effort to align interests for the benefit of everyone, favoring the company’s governance and generating value for shareholders.

      Watch the video and get a better idea of how we follow ESG guidelines on all investments we make.

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        Confira as entidades que a Trígono Capital apoia:

        Logotipo Sitawi
        Logotipo hospital do amor
        Logotipo Tenyad